These weaving bobbin winders from Schacht will make winding your weaving bobbins a breeze! Smooth accelerated action helps with winding even tensioned neat bobbins. Fit the most on each bobbin! Made in the USA of quality hardwood and metal, with a grippy rubber drivebelt. Clamps to the side of a table. Tapered shaft on the single ended accommodates a wide range of bobbins and spools from 1/4″ to 5/16th”. The double ended bobbin winder can accommodate an even wider range of bobbins and spools, as well as pirns.
The single ended bobbin winder has a tapered shaft that will accommodate bobbins up to six inches long.
Double ended winders can be used for longer bobbins, pirns, and spools. They are available both in electric and manual models. Both of the double-ended manual and electric winders are available with special tips for winding lace bobbins.
Double ended winders can be used for longer bobbins, pirns, and spools. They are available both in electric and manual models.
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