These are quality cotton loopers for your potholder loom, so you can easily weave high-quality pot holders and trivets. None of those nylon loops that shrink to a measly 4 inches when you finish, and melt at the mere hint of heat. These make sturdy gift quality potholders. With the wide selection of colors, you can match any kitchen decor!
Made in the US by Friendly Loom™, knit from 100% cotton thread (and one row of a fine Lycra filament to give elasticity, and the nice curled in edges).
These cotton loopers are a pleasure to use, as they are made of high-quality materials, and sized to fit the 7″ metal potholder loom, also made by Friendly Loom™. These cotton loops will make an approximately 5.5″ square potholder when removed from the loom.

Harrisville Loop Color Wheel
Colors vary from monitor to monitor, and it is difficult to get a photograph or scanned image to show the true colors, especially with something with such depth and luster as fiber. The photos on this page can only give you a representation of the true colors.
Color wheel available as well.
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