Instant Pot Cheesecake

In Pursuit of the perfect Cheesecake in my Instant Pot

So, let us deviate from the normal path of fiber musings in this blog, to talk about cheesecake. Why? Because I like cheesecake, and I love my Instant Pot, and my Instant Pot makes awesome cheesecake, with a little help from me...
Top This Monkey Crocheted Animal

Top This Monkey! Using Top This! Yarn to make easy stuffed animals.

DMC has a new hat yarn that comes with a skein of yarn and a character topper. I took one look at these and thought "stuffed animal kit!" After a little trial and error, I present this free crochet pattern for a monkey...
Spinzilla Yarn used in the Fox Cowl
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The Best Part of Spinzilla: Using all that Yarn

It's been a year. It didn't take me that long to finish the hood, that was done last fall. It just took me that long to post about it. This fall I pulled it out of one of my many knitting bags as I was searching for a set of needles...
Lendrum Spinning Wheel on the Patio

10 minute post exercise – I love to spin

I love to spin. Why?  I'm not sure. Is it the feel of the fiber in my hands?  The mystery of changing it from locks to roving to squooshy, loveable yarn?  Is it the myriad colors, whether shiny or matte or dull or sparkly? Is…
Blog Round Up

Blog Round-Up

This list may seem random - the only thing unifying them is that I like to read them.  They are not listed in any particular order. Jenny the Potter Deb Robson - The Independent Stitch Habetrot (I know it has not been posted to…
An early tangle from 2012. (c) Andrea Mielke Schroer

The Year of the Motif

For me, 2012 was The Year of the Motif.  It was a defining year. The last five years of my life have been vastly different for me from what I had previously known.  I met my husband, got married, had a baby, then another baby; my sister…