Winding Tapestry Bobbins and Lace Bobbins on the Schacht Bobbin Winder
The Schacht Double Ended bobbin winder comes in either hand or electric power. It comes standard with the heads to wind weaving bobbins. These heads come to a point, and go into the center of the bobbin to hold it steady while winding.

How to Use the Bobbin Lace Stand
The Bobbin Lace Stand is used to hold your pillow at the ideal angle for you, while you work. It can be used with any pillow, up to 20" in diameter. Such as our Bobbin Lace Kit, or the Pillow.
You will want to adjust the angle based on your…

My latest projects
Hello world! I've been doing a bit of knitting lately, making lovies for my children. These were made from the free Ravelry pattern for Tarragon the Dragon. What a cute pattern! I love the details. I've lways loved making stuffed animals,…

Tahkli Spindle Spinning How To
This Tahkli Spinning How To will walk you through what you need to know to get started spinning with this tiny but powerful cotton spindle from India.
What is a Tahkli?
The tahkli is a supported spindle. This means that they are supported…

Dryer Ball Tutorial – How to make your own dryer balls!
Here we go - the promised Dryer Ball Tutorial! After inquiring in the newsletter if there would be interest in a tutorial, the response was a resounding YES. I have made dozens of these now for our local natural foods store. So, I feel I have…

Arm Knit Cowl
We've been getting a lot of questions about using our merino top for arm knitting, so this weekend I decided to do some playing and figure out a little more about it. I made this Arm Knit Cowl from Taupe Merino Top. It took just…

Spinning Techniques: Drafting – Convergence Super Seminar
When we learn to spin, we just want the yarn to hold together. We’re not overly concerned with analyzing different ways of holding the fiber to control loft, twist, or color variations.
Once you reach that point of “spinning a continuous…

Pin Loom Weaving Books, Which Should I get?
You have a pin loom or two (or you are putting together an order for some) and you just aren't sure which pin loom weaving book to get.
Allow me tell you a little about both Pin Loom Weaving by Margaret Stump, and 100...

In Pursuit of the perfect Cheesecake in my Instant Pot
So, let us deviate from the normal path of fiber musings in this blog, to talk about cheesecake. Why? Because I like cheesecake, and I love my Instant Pot, and my Instant Pot makes awesome cheesecake, with a little help from me...