Baby Doll

We were out rummage-saling last weekend.  Auto Correct says rummage-saling is not a word?  Really?

Baby Doll
Anyways, I happened to notice this little guy in a box of toys, with a 50-cent sticker on his head.  On a whim, I scooped him and up and added him to my little pile of treasures I took up to buy.

Back in our vehicle, I noticed that his dress was knit – hand-knit.  Knit flat, and seamed up one side.  Apparently in wool yarn, which is fingering weight.  My daughter caught sight of him at that point, and demanded possession.  So that was the last I thought of it until I ran across him on the dining room table this morning.

Dress and Baby Doll
I decided to wash him up a little, and took off his dress to do so.  When he was clean, I turned the dress right-side-out to put it back on, and noticed – this dress was not made for him.  It appears to be for a Barbie, but since “knitting by definition is elastic” (as good ol’ EZ reminds us), some determined child MADE the dress fit Baby Doll by stuffing him into it.

I washed the dress and blocked it.  Now it is very apparent that it was knit to show off Barbie’s unrealistically svelte little form.

Barbie and Baby Doll
In conclusion, this little discovery is oddly satisfying for me.  Maybe because of my need to make everything be a part of the circle of life, of which a large part of mine is hand-made textiles.  I am sure Baby Doll was destined to come home with us, so we could discover this little handmade red wool dress.  And my daughter loves Baby Doll, who is eerily reminiscent of my nephew.

Nothing particularly educational to take away about this, unless perhaps it’s the fact that if you are really determined, you can do seemingly impossible things (such as put Barbie’s clothes on Baby Doll).

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